Style Tone_tags

We propose a tagset for XML rules that categorizes rules according to style and tone features.

We call the labels for this tagset toneTags.

By using toneTags, we can organize style and tone rules according to their content and purpose, making it easier to manipulate and manage the rules. Importantly, combinations of toneTags are mapped onto Writing Goals, triggering style and tone rules for specific purposes.

How to apply toneTags to style rules

When applying toneTags to XML style rules for the backend implementation, here are some guidelines to follow:

Description of toneTags

Tone Tags Description
academic Rules that emphasize a scholarly writing style suitable for academic or research-oriented content. Also included is adherence to culturally-specific academic conventions.
confident Rules that encourage a strong and assertive writing style. Encompasses rules aimed at conveying a sense of self-assuredness and conviction in the content. Promotes the use of confident language and straightforward statements.
clarity Rules that focus on ensuring clear and understandable communication. Encompasses rules aimed at eliminating ambiguity, simplifying complex ideas, and using precise language to convey information effectively. Rules can also be related to redundancies, sentence structure, and discourse anchors.
formal Rules that emphasize a polished and elevated writing style. Encompasses rules aimed at maintaining a level of decorum and adherence to established conventions of formal language and etiquette. Encourages the use of proper grammar, formal vocabulary, and structured sentence patterns to maintain a sense of refinement and respect.
general Rules that are common sense or just generally good all-around style rules. Rules are not specific to any particular Writing Goal or tone, and they are always active.
informal Rules that encourage a relaxed and casual writing style. Encompasses rules aimed at creating a friendly and conversational tone in written communication. Promotes the use of colloquial language, contractions, and a more relaxed grammatical structure to establish a connection with the audience and create a sense of informality and familiarity.
objective Rules that prioritize unbiased and impartial writing. Encompasses rules aimed at presenting information in a neutral and detached manner, free from personal opinion or bias. Encourages the use of factual evidence, logical reasoning, and balanced language.
persuasive Rules that aim to influence and convince the audience. Encompasses rules that encourage the use of persuasive techniques, such as strong arguments, emotional appeals, and rhetorical devices, to sway the reader’-s opinion or prompt them to take a specific action. Focuses on crafting compelling and convincing content.
positive Rules that focus on presenting information or messages in a positive and constructive manner. Encompasses rules aimed at emphasizing benefits, solutions, and opportunities rather than focusing on problems or negative aspects. Encourages writers to frame content in a way that promotes optimism, highlights strengths, and inspires optimism.
povadd Rules related to adding first/second-person pronouns.
povrem Rules related to removing first- and second-person pronouns.
professional Rules that emphasize a formal and polished writing style suitable for business and professional settings. Encompasses rules aimed at maintaining a level of competence, credibility, and adherence to professional standards. Differs from formal in the sense that it focuses on suggestions that are tailored for a business and professional environment.
scientific Rules that pertain to writing in a rigorous and objective manner within the scientific domain. Encompasses rules aimed at maintaining precision and adherence to scientific principles and methodologies. Promotes the use of specialized terminology, logical reasoning, and evidence-based arguments.

Mapping toneTags to Writing Goals

Writing Goal Relevant toneTags
Serious & Professional clarity, confident, formal, general, positive, professional
Objective & Scientific academic, clarity, formal, general, objective, povrem, scientific
Confident & Persuasive clarity, confident, general, persuasive, positive
Personal & Encouraging clarity, general, informal, positive, povadd
Original & Expressive clarity, general

Note: clarity and general are always active by default.

Goal-specific attribute

During the transitional period when Writing Goals are being rolled out to users slowly, it is necessary to introduce an attribute to XML style rules to ensure that rules that are very specific to a particular Writing Goal are triggered only when that particular Writing Goal is selected by the user. We therefore have the is_goal_specific attribute.

The is_goal_specific attribute modifies the behavior of the API such that:

The above describes the behavior of the API, not how the user interacts with the Writing Goals feature.

More simply: